Let the dead ones rest in peace

Let the dead ones rest in peace

Why bothering about the dead ones?
Let the dead ones rest in peace
We should care with the alive ones
For they are more dangerous indeed
The dead ones were gone a long time ago
Good or bad ones, who matters?
We should remember them with love
and respect them but the alive ones is here
They may hate you
They may hurt you
They may rape you
They may kill you
They can make your life a living hell  
They can turn your dreams into a nightmare
They can let you down anytime anywhere
They may be stabbing your back right now
So you must let the dead ones rest in peace
For they can't reach you any more
But the alive ones can always touch you
Watch out, what are you waiting for?
(by A. J. Rosário - 01/02/2009)
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Copyright violation is closely related to plagiarism, but it is a federal crime (U.S. Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 - 810)


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