I can't have you

I can't have you

I want you
But I can't have you
I need you
But I can't have you
I love you
But I can't have you
I desire you
But I can't have you

I can't have you
And it hurts me a lot
I can't have you
And it makes me sad
I can't have you
And it lets me down
I can't have you
And it drives me mad

My life has no meaning
Because I can't have you
My heart beats is so weak
Because I can't have you

My hope comes to an end
For I can't have you
My mind has no meaning
For I can't have you
I wanna live no more
For I can't have you
I may just die
For I can't have you
(by A. J. Rosário - 09/05/2010)
Plágio é crime e está previsto no artigo 184 do Código Penal.
Copyright violation is closely related to plagiarism, but it is a federal crime (U.S. Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 - 810)


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