No matter how I try to fix it

No matter how I try to fix it

If you loved the way I love you
You'd be paranoic and possessed
No matter how I try to fix it
Your beauty makes me all stressed

If you needed the way I need you
You'd be dependent and untruthful
No matter how I try to fix it
My love is so sick and bad for you

If you desired the way I desire you
You'd lose your mind and your soul
No matter how I try to fix it
Your body leaves me out of control

If you wanted me the way I want you
You'd be nasty and dirty and despicable
No matter how I try to fix it
Your feeling like dying will be inevitable

(by A. J. Rosário - 02/03/2011)
Plágio é crime e está previsto no artigo 184 do Código Penal.
Copyright violation is closely related to plagiarism, but it is a federal crime (U.S. Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 - 810)


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